Widest, most comprehensive and economical range of OES in the world

Metal Power designs and manufactures the world’s largest and best range of Optical Emission Spectrometers (OES) . Aside from these key instruments, it also offers a wide range of allied instruments and accessories to help users optimize the results delivered by the instruments they use.

Pioneering Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) manufacturers

Metal Power was founded in 1987. From the very beginning, Metal Power’s focus has always been on providing solutions to help companies drive improvements in quality, productivity, cost efficiencies and ultimately, profits and profitability.

Metal Power designs and manufactures the world’s largest and best range of Optical Emission Spectrometers (OES). Aside from these key instruments, it also offers a wide range of allied instruments and accessories to help users optimize the results delivered by the instruments they use.

Why Metal Power

  • True Pioneers in the field of CCD-based and CMOS-based OES
  • Range of OES that is truly end-to-end
  • Strong R&D base with numerous patents and “firsts” to its credit
  • Extensive Sales & Service network.
  • Blazing track record of over 35 years
  • Over 3500 installations across 50+ countries in
    6 continents

Metal Power is a pioneer in the design, development and manufacturing of CCD and CMOS detector based OES for metal analysis. Right from the first Metavision Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES) designed and launched in 2004, the Company has built its expertise in CCD and CMOS detector based OES. This has ensured that no firm has built more expertise and capabilities in this field at a global level. Today, a few of the following achievements Metal Power has to its credit in this field include:

  • First to offer low level Nitrogen analysis on CCD-based OES;today, every single Metal Power OES including the entry-level MOSS offers Nitrogen analysis even in Low Alloy Steels, down to at least 50 ppm. Indeed, higher-end instruments like the Metavision-10008X offer Nitrogen analysis down to as low as 1 ppm
  • First to offer Oxygen analysis down to 1 ppm on CMOS-based OES
  • First to offer Time-resolved spectroscopy (TRS) and soluble-insoluble analysis (for Al, Ti, B and Ca in steels) on CMOS-based OES
  • First firm to lauch fully CMOS/CCD based research grade OES
  • Only firm in the world to offer fine wire analysis down to 0.1 mm diameter on OES (patented solution)
  • Only firm in the world to offer thin foil analysis down to 0.02 mm thickness on OES (patented solution)

Metal Power is completely research focussed and has a number of patents to its name in the field of Optical Emission Spectrometry. A few of these include:

  • D-Scan to increase optical resolution of a spectrometer
  • M-Scan for multi-fold increase of optical resolution
  • Fine wire analysis down to 0.1 mm diameter
  • Thin foil analysis down to 0.02mm thickness
  • Analysis of powdered samples on an Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometer

Powered by spectrometrists with some of the deepest knowledge reserves in the industry, Metal Power’s R&D has also designed a full range of allied equipment and accessories that help users maximise the benefits of owning an OES and make a metal testing lab complete. This ensures that our customers do not have to “shop around” to ensure they get a complete solution – and accountability for the completeness of the solution and its performance lies with a single vendor. Indeed, through our Laboratory Division we also offer support and services to help our customers meet accreditation requirements for their metal testing laboratories!

Metal Power also delivers class beating economy in every single aspect of Spectrometer ownership. Each Spectrometer delivers at least 2 features unique with its class, increasing delivered value for our customers. Furthermore, we also offer exceptional price economy both in purchasing price and also in services, spares etc. Our accessories and allied equipment for example come with the assurance of free coverage under the OES’ warranty / AMC too!

Metal Power has a blazing track record that inspires confidence


3,500+ spectrometer installations across the globe


Presence in over 50 countries across 6 continents


service technicians across the world


Over 35 years of dedicated service in the industry

Metal Power is connected and
close to its customers

Today, Metal Power is proud to be associated with the best firms in all manner of segments; from the smallest of MSMEs to the largest industrial and PSU giants, our wide range of products and applications combined with the exceptional economy we deliver on all aspects – from capital costs to running and maintenance as well as services and spares, ensures that we are partners of choice for the discerning buyer in every market we service.

Reaching out to us is easy and quick! You can reach us through multiple touch points at snap of your fingers.

Our Partners

We have achieved our success thanks to the unstinting support and faith of all our employees, vendors, business associates, and above all, each and every one of our customers. Indeed we are proud of our global customer base of over 3500 installations across 6 continents.

Global Footprint

We in Bharat

Metal Power has been raising the bar for over 35 years now . . .


Inception as a representation, trading & consultation company


Entered the field of Optical Emission Spectrometry


Entered CCD - based spectrometry - first units sold in India


Launch of Metavision CCD-based OES


Became largest OES firm in India; a position that only gets stronger


Proud recipient of the National Award for Innovation


All-new, upgraded versions of all high-end models


Launched MetaCloud suite; began Singapore operations


Launch of the Metavision-RX RDE-OES and Mobile OES

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